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Strengthening Our Team

In the midst of our world’s current hospitality culture and environment, we are not only surviving - we are growing! As we continue to grow our organization’s portfolio, we are working to strengthen our organizational depth as well.

We are thrilled to announce a number of position changes within our corporate office.

Bob Patel will transition from his role of Vice President of Economy Hotels into the role of Executive Vice President. Bob is a tireless worker who has been instrumental in the profitability of our Economy Hotel Division and the growth of our organization.  Bob will continue to work closely with our economy hotel division, while also continuing to work and focus on areas such as Insurance and Property Taxes for our entire portfolio. 

Karl Zottl is being promoted from his role as Regional Director of Operations to the role of Vice President of Operations for the Economy Hotel Division. Karl is a visionary leader who has made his mark on our company through his wisdom and compassion.  In this role, Karl will lead our Regional Director of Operations team for the economy hotel division, and ensure all of our economy hotels are operating at optimal performance. 

Chelsea Wynn will transition from the role of Director of Human Resources into the role of Vice President of Human Resources. Chelsea has been with us a little over a year, and has seen our portfolio grow quite a bit during this time, which has led to our number of employees grow as well.  She has led graciously and competently through the uncharted waters of the past few months, and while dealing with challenges at many levels regarding COVID-19 and unemployment, she has helped lead both Abigail on her team, and our hotel leaders through this time. We know that with continued growth, we will have the need to grow our HR team at the corporate level as well.

We are excited to celebrate the transitions of Bob, Karl, & Chelsea. We believe that even with our past success and growth our best days are still ahead! These changes are going to ensure that we keep making #TheGlobalDifference one day at a time.

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